I took up a USB portable drive (as all my 32GB USB ‘sticks’ were in use), we found that the dealer’s system, though fully able to mount the USB drive, would not allow its selection from the download area. Limitation in the JLR mapping download code, not a problem with the dealer’s equipment.
As a work around, we decided to download it to one of the dealer’s USB sticks, then copy it across to my device (I would later move that to a USB’stick’ for installation). I did offer to go to a local shop and buy a USB stick if it helped – but that wasn’t the issue.
Download time came up as nearly four hours… that would put us to past closing time. The dealer left it downloading in case I decided to pick it up tomorrow (another 50 miles round trip). I said I would try to progress the download myself first – but use his as a backup plan.
As a side issue, when entering the VIN in to the dealer’s web based system to display the available maps, I noticed that it stated the intended region for this vehicle was Andorra. This seems strange and probably needs to be investigated.
We then went to look at the vehicle and verified that it was ‘connected’ but would not log in to the Jaguar branded ‘Here’ system. I could verify the connection as by attempting to create a new account from the vehicle, it helpfully told me that the account already existed.

The dealer tells me that even they don’t have a help line for the mapping login issues.
I will try again tomorrow – if that is sufficiently ‘later’ – but not expecting that to be any different.
I am not blaming the dealer here – they have tried very hard, I just don’t think the support of systems are in place from JLR.
I also raised the question about if they had looked at the wheel alignment over the last week (due to the outside edges of the tyres being worn). I was told they hadn’t, but I did get clarification that my local tyre guys can do it as it won’t affect any calibrations done for the driving aids. I was further told, that the dealer doesn’t have the equipment to do the job.
All in all, a totally wasted trip. Another couple of my working hours lost, 50 miles added, 2 gallons of petrol burnt, and no resolution.