Reverse camera stuck on again

After a quck trip to the shop, and placing the vehicle in park. It then decided to stick with the reversing camera displayed.

I haven’t been able to reproduce this, but had to turn the vehicle off to clear.

Eagle-eyed readers may spot that by some strange co-incidence it is exactly the same time of day as the issue yesterday.


No Messages!

The phone recieved a message whilst connected to the vehicle.

Usually, the vehicle will read out the message for you – it is arguable as to this being a useful feature, but never the less it has worked previously.

The system got stuck in a mode where one half of it thought there were no messages, whilst the other half of the screen clearly shows there is one message.

Not a show stopper – but it should work consistantly.


Electronic Parking Brake

I am having more issues with the EPB. I am not sure if it is a design issue or a fault. The dealer has looked at but didn’t find the fault.

Basically, the EPB button has tactile feedback – you can feel it click, and hear it click. This would normally be considered good design. However, just because you have had the feedback, it turns out it doesn’t mean the EPB has engaged. Note, by this I mean it hasn’t started its process – I understand that it is a motor driven ‘winch’ which pulls on the handbrake – and that takes a small amount of time to happen.

With a ‘quick’ pull of the switch, getting great tactile feedback, and waiting a short amount of time – sometimes the brake has not engaged.

Pulling and HOLDING the switch appears to work – but the tactile feedback is misleading.

Several times today, applying the EPB then lifting off the foot brake, the car will lurch forwards in traffic.

This is made slightly worse by the fact that if you have just the wrong amount of steering input, the EPB indicator light is behind one of the steering wheel spokes.

It is either faulty, or bad design.

If it is by design, the switch debounce timer need to be much shorter – in fact there is no need at all for debouncing that switch.


Call returned

To be fair, JLR did call back within the 48 hours promised.

I spent 13 minutes on the phone talking with the newly assigned case manager.

Actions from this are; he is to speak with Williams Jaguar and Stratstone Hanley. He is also going to look in to the situation with the ‘recall’ H050.

I am to take the vehicle in for its next visit to the dealer on the 8th of next month. (It is two weeks to wait from now, and a week has passed since its last visit to the dealer). Again a ‘loss’ of three weeks where I am again waiting for fixes.

Results of service visit

The basic result is the dealer needs to book the car in for a whole week to try and go through the issues.


The MoT passed, with no advisories – which is to be expected on a 7400 mile car.

The health check picked up an additional issue, a slight leak from the diff pinion. On looking on my driveway, I do see a small patch of oil in this area.

The air conditioning has been re-gassed and now appears to work.  No apparent faults were found. It should be noted that the car’s performance is again different. The stop/start is also different, back to a stop less than 1 second after coming to a halt.

The delivery driver did confirm to me that the air-con did NOT work on the way to the dealership, but did work on the way back (he comented it was nice as he had been stuck in a queue on the motorway).

I have since driven around in temperatures of 30 degrees, target temperature was 19.5 and vent temperature was around 12… which is what you would expect until the cabin temperature converges to the target set point.


One small worry is with the response I received about my request for the details of the recall, H050. The dealership said that they couldn’t let me have a copy. of the information. They did say it applies to pre-production cars. It is implied that mine is actually a pre-production vehicle.

Notes for Service Visit on 18th July


1) MoT

2) Air conditioning has failed again. Note, that it did work BEFORE and AFTER the condenser change on the last visit.
The behaviour is somewhat odd. When the outside air is 27 degrees or more, the system appears to heat rather than cool. (Note, this might not be a complete diagnosis – I can only test depending on the ambient temperature at that time, it may play up at other temperatures too).
We can have a target temperature of 19.5 degrees, you can have a vent temperature of 36 degrees. (See video – though I forgot to record the outside temperature on that one).
It managed to get a cabin temperature of 55 degrees one time last week.
This is after a journey – obviously not just after start-up.
Note also, there is some interaction with the stop-start – this has also failed again. Its (engine) performance is also being somewhat variable.

3) DAB radio is not working properly again. Video and extracted audio track on USB stick for reference.
Basically has poor reception, and drops out. This is not in one specific area of the country, nor on one particular day.

4) Can I have a copy of the recall notice, JLR reference H050. There appears to be some confusion as to whether it applies to my vehicle or not.

5) Something seems to have broken in the o/s boot hinge. It feels ‘graunchy’ when fully open.

6) Auto-headlight issues – previously recalibrated.
Lights appear to get ‘confused’ in the dark. It appears that the reflection off road signs is ‘seen’ as an on-coming car, so it dips the lights. It now sees an absence of cars and re-applies the main beam. This repeats. It also appears to do this when behind another driver which causes annoyance as it looks like I am repeatedly ‘flashing’ the driver in front.

7) Vibration from engine or transmission around 1500 rpm – previously addressed twice (and improved), but still present.

8) Crack in trim on o/s C post (B post trim already replaced for same issue).

9) Alignment/window gaps around n/s/r door frame. 1mm or less at the C post, 6mm or more at the D post. Obviously different on the o/s/r.

10) Driver’s seat has some unidentified ‘play’ in its mounting. Can’t easily replicate it by rocking the seat, but can be felt on accelerating. Un-nerving as it feels like you are not securely seated. Actually by pressing back into the seat (away from the steering wheel) you can feel the seal base click under your left leg.

11) Boot lid is happily munching its way in to the rear bumper. Panel gap appears okay statically, but must vibrate in motion.

12) I suspect this is a ‘feature’ but buzzing noise from headlamps. I am told it is a cooling fan – though it makes this noise with the lights off.


DAB Radio Issue

The issue with the DAB radio cutting out has returned. It is not just in one location in the country. We have had this near the South Coast, around the M25 and also around the North Midlands.

Here is a recording of the audio when the DAB is not working…

For something to watch, if you have the bandwidth, the video and audio as above…

Reopening the case

Unfortunately my XF-S is not working properly again.
Its last failure was the air conditioning which was heating rather than cooling when ambient temperatures were around 27 degrees. Also the Stop-start not working properly and performance being somewhat variable.

Prior to its last visit to the dealer – I stated I would accept one further attempt at repair before requesting a full refund.
Immediately PRIOR to its last visit, it appeared to be working correctly. I did not cancel the appointment as I had been told it needed new parts.
After its last visit it was unchanged, in that it still appeared to work correctly (though a new condensor was fitted).
The implication here it it ‘righted itself’ or ‘stopped its odd behaviour’ without service intervention.

After that intervention, I decided I would actually try and use the vehicle, largely for the first time in my ownership.
As previously stated, it did appear to perform properly for around two weeks. However, one of those trips (1100 miles) was completed entirely in ‘Dynamic mode’ which may or may not be significant (also 500 miles overnight where the ambient temperature was quite cool).
Last week the air conditioning again turned on to heating. Cabin temperatures were well above ambient, reaching an incredible 55 degrees making the car undriveable.

The ‘final attempt to fix’ clearly has not worked.
We are at the point where swapping the vehicle is still on the table.
There is agreement about the problems with this vehicle in that Williams have already offered three alternative vehicles to swap in to – however, none were remotely like the minimum features on my ‘must have’ list. I was also told by CRC that I didn’t need to accept the loss of any features – unless I chose to do so. I gave some options that could be lost. I was also told that if no suitable vehicles were available, then JLR would have to build one. However, that is not even a possibility now as so much time has been wasted, that the model isn’t even produced for UK sale anymore.

I do not accept Williams assertion that it is down to Jaguar to fix under warranty. The vehicle was not fit for purpose at time of sale, the failures are by and large not new failures that have occured in my ownership. I have played my part in assisting JLR to fix this, by endless time on the telephone, endless visits to the dealer, and endless patience.
We may be at the point where Williams transfer the purchase price in to my bank, and I deliver the vehicle back to them and purchase a train ticket home.  However, I really want to be in a working XF-S.

Williams will claim a cost per mile for the ‘use’ that I have had, I will counter-claim for lost earnings, time in the dealership, failed holidays etc. Realistically, I have had full and proper ‘use’ of the vehicle for little over three weeks in a seven month ownership period.

That in mind I may be viewing another XF-S located at a dealer in the South this week (more cost on my part).

On speaking with CRC, when it appeared that the show stopping issues had gone away (Note, absolutely NOT fixed – just gone away), I was offered a service voucher and I asked for a Jaguar experience (as all mentioned at the outset – as something that wouldn’t cost Jaguar too much). At no point was that a full settlement for the loss of value (no TV), loss of use, costs of taking the vehicle in for service a seemingly endless number of times. Subsequent to that offer (which I still haven’t recieved formally by post as was expected), I tried the number given to book an ‘experience’ only to arrive back at CRC. The Jaguar website also no longer has any ‘experiences’ that I am interested in… it has taken so long to get to this point that those appear to have been withdrawn.

In my latest call with CRC, have have reopened this case – I am keen to get closure, but the fundamental issues are still present.
I did not want to push things today, as the lady who has been handling my case is shortly to leave JLR. She has always tried her best to resolve this for me. However, the effectiveness of JLR CRC is questionable – clearly my contract is with the dealer, but I rather hoped that CRC would assist the dealer in solving these issues.

Issues fixed
Fixings for door cards repaired by trimming rough edges with a knife.

Sun visor clips replaced as the visor wouldn’t ‘click’ in to position.
Damaged ‘carbon fibre effect’ n/s/f door trim repaired (stil got a fault in it though).
o/s B post trim cracked and replaced
Driver’s window switch pack replaced.
o/s/r door literally full of water (unknown damage to door motors etc.) Drain holes cleared. (Known issue with robots applying too much sealant during door assembly).

Issues still to be tackled;

(Note this is a UK spec vehicle, o/s refers to the right side as viewed from the driver’s seat, n/s refers to the left side as viewed from the driver’s seat)

Something seems to have broken in the o/s boot hinge. It feels ‘graunchy’ when fully open.

DAB radio issues – previously repaired by software update (which took 8 days).
Reception drops out, sometimes says ‘no signal’ whilst still playing DAB stations.

Auto-headlight issues – previously recalibrated.
Lights appear to get ‘confused’ in the dark. It appears that the reflection off road signs is ‘seen’ as an on-coming car, so it dips the lights. It now sees an absence of cars and re-applies the main beam. This repeats. It also appears to do this when behind another driver which causes annoyance as it looks like I am repeatedly ‘flashing’ the driver in front.

Vibration from engine or transmission around 1500 rpm – previously addressed twice (and improved), but still present.

Driver’s seat has some unidentified ‘play’ in its mounting. Can’t replicate it by rocking the seat, but can be felt on accelerating. Un-nerving as it feels like you are not securely seated.

Alignment/window gaps around n/s/r door frame. 1mm or less at the C post, 6mm or more at the D post. Visibly different on the o/s/r.

Crack in trim on o/s C post (B post trim already replaced for same issue).

Boot lid is happily munching its way in to the rear bumper. Panel gap appears okay statically, but must vibrate in motion.

Rattle from o/s/f of bonnet – actually this issue was pointed out BEFORE viewing the car (appeared to be an issue on the photographs from the advertisement). Aledged to have been done before delivery – but wasn’t.

May be subject to a recall (H050). Stratstone service advisor (from the call centre) tell me it is required. CRC tell me it is a software related item (which fills me with dread as the last s/w update took 8 days). Stratstone service advisor (Hanley) tell me the recall is for pre-delivery vehicles and therefore doen’t apply to mine.

Service situation is unclear: Stratstone wanted to call it in for a service, but it is not at all clear when due.
Took delivery in November 2017 at 2211 miles.
First and only service was 25/09/2017 at 2155 miles.
This means it has a missing 12 month service around 15/07/2016. I know that doesn’t sound that important to the vehicle, but since some elements are time based, it may mean things like belts and fluids will be at least a year older than its intended service schedule.
It has had a 12 month/16000 service (states renewal of oil and filter) whereas it should actually have had a 24 month/32000 mile service – the items scheduled will almost certainly be different. It is a fine point – but it doesn’t meet the Jaguar approved requirements of I believe having a full service history.
It clearly says on the service history that its next service due is its 24 month service.

Difference in value: Bought a car with TV option, this was not delivered. At no point was a reduction in price offered, or an offer of a service or other proposition. It can be argued that it isn’t a material part of a motor car, but it is an option charged for by Jaguar – it was paid for and was not on the vehicle when delivered. It took two visists of half a day and three days respectively,  to determine that it was in the build sheet for the vehicle, but not actually present. I was told it can’t be fitted. The three day issue was because the software supplied didn’t work – due again to as- built not matching the factory spec.

Time lost: Several visits to the dealership, all take time and fuel. Visits were I had to wait whilst the car was repaired as no loan cars were available. This is a direct quantifiable loss of my working/earning time.

We have the issue where time is ticking away with the warranty – each item seems to ‘consume’ around a month of warranty where the car can’t be properly used. Waranty should be paused if an issue is reported, and I am then waiting for JLR to fix it. At this rate, little or no items that were reported at the start of warranty will have actually have been fixed by the end of the warranty.

With hindsight, I should have returned the vehicle the day it was delivered. It was clear then, that it wasn’t as described. I was somewhat mislead, and trusting. I waited for ‘instructions’ on how to use it even though I actually believed it was missing. However, I like the car, and hoped that the items could be fixed. Three weeks in, I was in a position where I couldn’t drive so that made dealing with the issues more difficult. However all these items were identified at that point. I have been more than reasonable in tolerating the attempts to repair.

This is utterly the worst vehicle I have ever owned, and it the worst ‘buying experience’ ever.

Update 05th July

Apologies for the delay, but as discussed by phone, an update on the XF-S issues.

I realise that some of this was covered in the discussion, but for completeness, a summary.

The vehicle was booked in at Stratstone on the 1st June for the air conditioning to be looked at as this had ‘failed’. Note that the failure made no sense, as the vent temperature was around 38 degrees for an outside temp of 27 degrees (Centigrade for the absence of doubt). As per previous email, the car was returned stating that it hadn’t been fixed as parts were required. On return, I found that the air conditioning was now cool – on talking to the dealer thay said this could be due to a partial re-gas and leak detect charge.

However, at or around this time, there was a step change in vehicle behaviour and performance. Outwardly the vehicle was performing properly.

On this basis, I decided to actually try and use it for a proper journey. On the 6th June it managed to faultlessly travel from Stafford to Milton Keynes and back.
On the 10th June we travelled to Cosford air show and sat in traffic for three hours in perfect cool (Note at this point the air conditioning had not been fixed).

The vehicle went in to Stratstone for its air conditioning fix, and came out exactly the same as when it went in. This could be considered a good thing as it was still working.

I have since done a 1100 mile round trip to Cornwall and Norfolk – again without issue.

However, today the air conditioning is running ‘hot’ again. Because there will be some doubt/disbelief about this, again I recorded a short video – it clearly shows an outside temperature of 29 degrees, a target temperature of 19.5 degrees, a cabin temperature of 33 degrees and a vent temperature in the upper 20’s. (This is after a trip, not at startup, so would have had plenty of time to bring down the temperature).

I will discuss this with Stratstone today.

I was also made aware of a recall for this vehicle, JLR reference H050. I am lead to believe it is a software update. Due to this vehicle’s as built data not matching JLRs system, I suspect the update will not work.

I thought we had reached the point where we were not going to reject this vehicle, but that is not so clear now.
We still have the issues of missing features, advertised and bought, but not supplied (TV tuner) which has a cost implication.

Fundamentaly, I am not sure there won’t be a re-occurance of issues with this vehicle. We are in the situation where it presently ‘works’ (except some warranty type items), but has never actually been ‘fixed’. The issues appeared to clear with no work being done to the vehicle. It therefore follows that these may return in an equally random manner.

*I did ask if some service package could be applied as good will, but I haven’t heard back about that yet.
*Also the phone number for the Jaguar ‘experience’ we discussed, and was going to be email hasn’t yet appeared.

[The last two points have now been addressed by phone this morning]

Sorry to hear you are leaving JLR, and I hope everything goes well for you in the future.

Update 06th June

Hi G,

Thanks for the update.

The selection of an alternative vehicle wasn’t mentioned as being the
first step by CRC…. I can see that would make sense.

I *really* hope this vehicle can be fixed. But it is basically a
situation where the vehicle has been ‘mine’ for literally a few hours
and either in for fixes or waiting for fixes for 6 months.

Let us see what happens on the 11th.

(Though the issue here is a change of condenser isn’t going to affect
the ‘madness’ the vehicle seems to suffer from. It doesn’t explain the
38 degree vent temperature for instance with the system on cold. The
temporary re-gassing of the system has however affected the stop/start
system which is now behaving somewhat better.. again that makes little