Another email to Williams

Hi Gary,

I didn’t get back to you instantly as I wanted to properly consider the vehicle listed.
As it happens, I was aware of it, it has been on Autotrader for nearly two months. No adaptive cruise and no LED headlights, so I am afraid it is substantially different.

I have discussed some option with JLR CRC. I have agreed to a final attempt to fix*.
I like the car, but have no confidence in it. Since last week, the stop/start has started working ‘aggressively’ again – but only with the non-functioning air conditioning off. It has also popped up a message saying the battery was low – which may be significant (I did however suggest that it might be a battery issue many months ago). CRC tell me I shouldn’t have to accept a loss of any of the features that I want – but I understand the vehicles are not easy to come by, and can’t even be ordered new as the performance models have been dropped by JLR due to low sales (and Ford’s engine deal).
*There are other issues here, mainly it isn’t the car sold. It doesn’t match the build data from JLR and therefore apparently is always going to be a problem come updates/service time. There are some issues around its service history – in that it appears to have missed a service (though I accept it probably isn’t that important since it was probably parked), and some around its preparation and 165 point check (which didn’t appear to have been done).

The situation with the rejection within the first 30 days, and return of the SV8 was considered. The main issue here would be that no-one knew what may have happened to the vehicle once it left your control. It may not just have been parked. As it happens, its new owner has been in touch and is very happy. At the time of purchase, I actually wanted to purchase a car, not still have the SV8 – it appeared I had found the spec I wanted so it made some sense to keep it if it was fixable. The decision was made along with JLR CRC that it should be ‘fixed’. It was at this point it became apparent that it may not actually be fixable.

JLR CRC were involved, as from the outset it appeared that Williams didn’t really want to know about this problem. I accept this may not be the case, but that is certainly how it appeared.

If JLR’s dealer network (Stratstone in this case) can’t fix these issues in a reasonable time-frame, then I think the next stage with the rejection will be a full refund. This isn’t what I want, as it will leave me without a vehicle.

The earliest date for attention is the 1st June – this is without a loan car as that would have pushed the date out further.
The vehicle is basically sitting here waiting – with minimal use – since it has returned from Stratstone on 19th March. The day after that Williams were contacted, and I was waiting for a call back (for 5 weeks plus).

I fear that the vehicle won’t simply be in and out the same day to fix the air conditioning. I hope that there will not be an extended delay.
If we can find a vehicle of a suitable spec, swapping would still be the best option.
Unless by some odd situation, the faulty air conditioning is in some way causing these other issues, I expect that its odd and sometimes dangerous behaviour may continue.

email to Williams

Hi Gary,

Sorry for the delay in me getting back to you – I had an office/workshop move going on at the tail end of last week which has taken all my time.

Thanks for the time on the phone – not sure if you had any more info from JLR CRC, but I think we covered most of the issues over the phone even though that was just from memory.
The odd thing is, that with the air-con apparently broken, the performance is much better – much more in line with my old SV8.
However, there are still many issues, and I really can’t see them getting fixed any time soon. The vehicle will also be a liability going forwards as it appears any software updates from JLR don’t work on this vehicle.

So, if possible, swapping for a non-faulty version would be best.
However, having gone over the spec and seeing what is essential, I fear we will struggle.
It is unfortunate – I bought this particular car as it appeared ‘right’ in almost every way – which is why it was called about, test-drive and a deposit left all within 24 hours.
It was the second car or suitable spec I had located – and the other had sold hours before I called about it (at another dealer).

At the time of searching I had done an ‘ideal build’ … it is still on JLR’s system and can be accessed at

My spec list is (I think the items not listed below are ‘standard’ according to the above build.)

Colour: White or Red (others might be possible) – I think this choice means it needs the black pack too otherwise it looks a bit odd with chrome window surrounds.
Interior Leather: Black (under no circumstances, the two tone red/black)
Full LCD as with the Navigation Pro pack & Meridian 825W
20” Wheels
LED Head lights
Plain (clear not privacy) glass
Ideally with heated steering wheel
Memory seats – ideally both sides.
360 degree parking – park assist pack
Must have adaptive cruise – part of active safety pack
Head-up display

So things we could loose;
Rear air-con zones
Rear seat heating
Suede headlining
Carbon fibre effect veneer (though I do like it)

Let me know what you can find – though I accept this is going to be difficult.

CRC Round-up

email to CRC…

Hi Jenny,

Please find attached a set of emails which represent all the correspondence with Williams Jaguar about the issues with the XF-S.
I have re-read all the mails, and they appear consistent in that there has been an issue since just a few hours after delivery.
There was a subsequent email that went to JLR which you should already have.

The only mistake I may have made here is that I thought JLR customer services were keeping the dealer in the loop once I had escalated it to them. The dealer tells me this is not the case. However, it shouldn’t really be down to me to project manage this issue. Also note I offered to get this vehicle down to Gaydon for it to be looked at by JLR themselves if it would help.

We will see how we go, but it looks like I will have to write down a time-line of where we are, calls made, time whilst it has been with Jaguar etc.
I also need to generate a list of things that have been ‘fixed’.
This is as I am sure you realise, getting a little silly now. Every day I have to deal with this costs me, in theory several hundred pounds, that I could otherwise be booking to a customer.
I haven’t really been able to use or enjoy the car – this has been going on for 6 months and I have only done around 2000 miles. My normal usage would be around 6k in that period.

There are new issues that I previously hadn’t noticed (I did mention briefly in our last call).
Latest to spot is the NSR window frame isn’t on right… The door gaps around the frame differ significantly between the right and left side.
The stop start has decided to be non-functional again… I had even forgotten it had this feature, then it stopped once in the last two weeks… I can’t now get it to repeat at all.
Having gone through the paperwork supplied, I also find some anomalies;
The vehicle check list for the 165 point inspection isn’t signed – which is consistant with these checks not appearing to have been done.
The warranty end dates differ by two months on two different documents.
It is also questionably missing a service. It is a fine point as it probably hadn’t done many miles, but the service interval is 16k OR 12 months. Services are down as PDI on 15/07/2015 followed by a 12 month service on 25/09/2017. Clearly this is not complete.

Due to speak on Thursday, so lets see if there is any progress then.

Have petrol, but zero range

Slight madness in that it is currently showing 1/4 to 1/3 of a tank on the fuel gauge, but estimating that will take me zero miles.

Which is right?

Actually I know this as I put an ’emergency’ £10 in to see if the gauge moved. It corrected itself on a subsequent restart.


Placeholder for info to be added from my email/phone records.

This blog was started at least 6 months in to my problems. It will be updated with ‘historical’ information as time and progress allows.


Hi Harry,

This may come as a surprise, but the XF-S purchase hasn’t gone well. At this stage I am considering the best plan is rejecting the vehicle. I am open to resolutions, but timing is presently difficult – accordingly we should take this as a formal notification that I want to reject*.

*Or claim under the Jaguar 30 day/1000 mile guarantee as appropriate.

The main reason for this measure is that time is against me, and I need to action this within 30 days of purchase.

I realise that the issue of a non-functioning TV can’t realistically be a reason for rejection in itself, but the time to get this issue looked at is eating in to time to resolve other issues. You were notified within hours of delivery that this was an issue, I then had to wait for a ‘video’ to show me how to use it – which due to you not having any other vehicles with this feature didn’t arrive. Further contact then resulted in the vehicle needing to come in. However, we determined that would just be a for a ‘look’ and a further visit would be needed to fix (around 240 miles round trip for those visits). It was therefore decided to check with another Jaguar franchise – which was done the next day (at that point 1 week after delivery). They confirmed on the day that the TV should be fitted, but was not working. Due to loan vehicle availability, I had to wait 1 week and 1 day before the vehicle could be looked at. Note that this timescale is not actually any different than if I had brought it up to Williams – and we did agree that this route may be the best. Today it has been looked at, software updates performed and still no fix… It has been referred to Jaguar and I am told they usually take at least a day to come back.

I realise that Williams will have had the vehicle from Jaguar in the non-working state, but according to Jaguar, each approved used vehicle “also undergoes a 165 Multi-point inspection to ensure you receive the same level of quality you’d expect when buying a new car.” – this doesn’t seem to have happened. I have to say I have little confidence in the remainder of the checks.

Though I realise this is not Williams Jaguar’s problem, I will be off the road for at least two weeks due to having to have a small operation in hospital later this week. The XF-S is presently with Jaguar and I am in a loan XE (diesel).

This means in reality, that if I even get the vehicle back on Thursday which is presently the best estimate, I have to get everything resolved on Friday.

I have a snagging list of issues, that I haven’t even had chance to present to yourselves or Jaguar. These will be attached to this email. Some of these may have been discovered by a better test drive – I realise that due to Williams Jaguar’s city centre location, it was somewhat limited to a trip around the block – a longer run on more representative roads may have helped. Since it is effectively a ‘new’ car with only 2200 miles, I didn’t consider a full vehicle detailed inspection would be necessary.

I hope we can work something out, but this purchasing experience really hasn’t gone well, I seem to be in a vehicle that I have less confidence in than my 9 year old SV8.

I think we need to discuss some of this over the phone – but I will only be available in the morning as again I have a hospital appointment Wednesday afternoon.

RE: TV Tuner (5)

A trip to Stratstone for a quick look… I didn’t make an appointment as that would take too long, but they were good enough to lend me a technician to take a look.

Accordingly an email to the supplying dealer on my return…

I have had my local dealer – Stratstone in Hanley take a look this morning.
We pulled up the build spec from Jag based on its VIN and of course, it does
show as present on there.
However, the technician (who had just been on the Infotainment training
three days ago) agreed that the TV tuner didn’t seem to appear where it

I asked them if they would be disadvantaged if I asked them to fix it – and
they seemed quite happy to do so (it will be a claim against the Jag
warranty anyway).

I am told that a software update *may* fix it – but that would be the first
stage anyway. I am told it takes about three hours. If that doesn’t fix it,
they have to refer it to Jaguar.

If that is okay by you, I will let Stratstone do it – they can’t fit it in
until a week on Tuesday though.
Let me know if you think that is a good plan.

RE: TV Tuner (4)

I did get an email back from the dealer, saying it needed to come in for a ‘look’.

Sorry for the delay as I was confirming a few things with our service department.

What we have concluded is that we need to have a check of the car to make sure the duel screen function is syncing properly and to make sure the TV element is working.

Therefore my colleague in the booking department are going to give you a call and get your car booked in with us.

Sorry for the issue but let’s get it properly looked at to make sure.

Kind Regards,


I did speak with (Williams) service, but it became apparent they did just want to ‘look’ at it. It wasn’t going to get fixed at that time, nor properly booked in for service, and a loan car provided. I know that it isn’t Williams’ fault that it is a 120 mile round trip, but a bit pointless to verify what I have already said on the phone, and provided a picture of.

It was also going to be ‘next week’.


RE: TV Tuner (3)

As mentioned in the previous post, it was just the way the graphics are drawn.

Just realised that extra ‘box’ off the screen is in fact a simulated reflection of the button above. As soon as there is a second row of icons, eg. radio, phone, usb and media you get that on the screen. So, that is a red herring.

I can put a DVD in and I do get the DVD icon as you would expect – and of course it does then play the DVD. (And two button ‘reflections’ drawn as above).

Do I need to get this up to you to take a look?
I do hope I am not just going daft.


RE: TV Tuner (2)

I reply to the dealership as follows;

The media screen does look a little ‘odd’. I don’t see a TV option but I do see a ‘half a box’ which doesn’t look right. Maybe there is some way that the boxes are out of the right position – maybe a way to position this back on the screen. I will go and have a fiddle to see if it can be zoomed or dragged.

Photo attached… see the half box at the bottom.

Radio is obviously correct, USB has a USB stick plugged in – which works fine, Nexus 5x is my phone which has paired up fine, media library is empty – which is I believe correct, then that odd half box.

It will turn out that this was just slightly misleading as it is just the way the screen has an artificial ‘reflection’ in the graphics.